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Welcome to the Flourish Program!
Located in Sandringham, Victoria, Australia

Flourish is a High School Preparation and Resilience Program designed to prepare and equip Year Six and Year Seven girls in their transition from primary to secondary school.


Our program delves into topics such as organisation and planning, goal setting, managing homework and getting along with teachers. The material is presented in creative and engaging ways each week, through the use of videos, creative projects, skits, games, and team building activities. Discussions offer practical advice and helpful strategies for making new friends, managing bullying, safe use of social media as well as many other pertinent issues.


The program focuses on empowering and encouraging girls, helping them to develop and maintain positive self-image and strong self-esteem, and equipping them to make positive and informed choices.


Our focus on resilience building includes critically and openly discussing influences and peer pressure. The unique small group discussion focus allows for close mentoring relationships between girls and their mentor leaders to be formed, creating opportunities for girls to hear secret tips, stories, advice and strategies from older girls.


Flourish provides a warm and welcoming space for girls to share concerns and stories, ask questions, receive advice and support, form new friendships and have fun whilst preparing for high school together. 

FLourish Cover Page Banner - not sure where original file has gone.jpg
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